Staten Island Personal Injury Lawyers (2024)

Personal Injury Attorneys Serving Staten Island & All of New York

Staten Island, often perceived as the quaint outlier of the New York City boroughs, offers a unique blend of suburban tranquility, rich history, and abundant green spaces. Despite its numerous parks, historic districts, and tight-knit communities, residents are not immune to the unforeseen challenges of personal injuries. This is where the assistance of Staten Island personal injury lawyers becomes indispensable.

This southernmost borough contributes a special flavor to the city’s dynamic character. In the midst of its serene landscapes, however, residents of Staten Island face the same potential for personal injuries that can disrupt lives and cause significant distress. Whether navigating the challenges of suburban sprawl, the hazards of daily commutes, or the complexities of urban living, accidents can occur, leaving victims and their families in need of legal guidance.

At Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi P.C., our dedicated team is committed to representing the people of Staten Island, championing their rights, and securing the justice they deserve. Our approach is defined by a deep understanding of local nuances, a thorough grasp of New York and Staten Island personal injury law, and a genuine commitment to our clients’ welfare and recovery.

Our team is here to offer advice, representation, and unwavering support for those on Staten Island facing the challenges of an injury due to negligence. Contact us today or call (212) 543-1600 for a FREE consultation, and let our Staten Island personal injury lawyers advocate for you!

Staten Island Personal Injury Lawyers (1)

About Staten Island

Nestled at the southern tip of New York, Staten Island emerges with a unique identity that bridges the tranquil essence of suburban life with dynamic urban rhythms. This borough, coextensive with Richmond County, is encircled by the waters of the Arthur Kill, the Kill Van Kull, and the expansive New York Bay. This separation by water contributes to its identity as an isle unto itself.

Staten Island flourishes with an abundance of green spaces, historic districts, and a deep-rooted sense of community. The borough’s history dates back to its settlement by the Dutch in the 17th century, evolving through the American Revolution and into its consolidation with New York City in 1898.

Today, the landscape of Staten Island is marked by its extensive parkland—over 12,300 acres. The “Borough of Parks” and its protected natural areas offer residents and visitors a refuge from city life. Its cultural landscape is equally rich, hosting the vibrant Snug Harbor Cultural Center, the historic village of Richmond Town, and the haunting beauty of the abandoned Ellis Island, visible from its shores.

With a population that embodies a broad spectrum of cultural heritage, Staten Island presents a diverse community fabric. This diversity, combined with the island’s historical landmarks, modern attractions, and natural beauty, contributes to its allure.

At Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi, we recognize and admire the unique character of Staten Island. We’re committed to serving its people with the same integrity and strength that define this remarkable borough. Our dedication goes beyond legal representation—we strive to support and uplift the Staten Island community, ensuring justice and safety for all its residents.

Client Success Story

Staten Island Personal Injury Lawyers (2)

I am delighted to provide this testimonial for Mr. DiGirolamo. His representation of me during my case was unflagging over its four-year duration. He kept me informed, and prepared for every eventuality as the case progressed.

He understood my fears and pain, and saw to it that Workmans Comp provided support for me until my civil case was settled. He prepared me substantially whenever necessary. I was very grateful for his understanding of the disastrous effect my accident had on every aspect of my life.

He was always supportive and kind personally, and totally professional. He reminded me to be realistic about the eventual outcome, and advised me as to the importance of my demeanor and attitude.

Everyone I came in contact with at the office was polite and helpful, in particular Marisol Suarez, Mr. DiGirolamo’s paralegal assistant. I will always be grateful for the way my case was handled.

- Marcia Wilson

Client Success Story

Staten Island Personal Injury Lawyers (3)

It was a pleasure having Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi take on my case. After a car accident left me jobless for several months, they helped get me back on my feet. They went above and beyond the call of duty!

- Mike Sloan

Client Success Story

Staten Island Personal Injury Lawyers (4)

I wanted to make sure that you were aware of my extreme gratitude to Chris DiGirolamo, and his law firm, for the work done on my behalf.

As a 33 year licensed motorcyclist in the state of NJ, I have seen a lot of friends/family go through the process of a personal injury suit, and many times the outcome is less than favorable. Let’s face it, there is a lot of bias against bikers out there… So when it was my turn to experience the process first hand, I didn’t hold a lot of hope that I would recover any of what I lost.

Chris DiGirolamo not only got me enough of a settlement to recover what was lost, he got the max available, allowing me to have a little piece of mind for the future as well.

He was patient when I sent endless emails full of questions and kind and understanding with regard to my case. I will ALWAYS refer my friends to this firm, and use them again myself, if the situation ever arises…

Thank you again for all your hard work!

- Jennifer Bounassi

What Is Personal Injury Law?

Personal injury law, a crucial facet of the legal system, offers a pathway to justice for people who have suffered harm due to another’s negligence or intentional actions. This area of law encompasses a wide range of cases, from accidents and injuries occurring in daily life, such as slip-and-falls, vehicle collisions, and workplace incidents, to more complex scenarios involving medical malpractice or product liability.

The essence of a personal injury claim lies in establishing fault and proving that the negligent party’s actions—or inactions—directly led to the victim’s injuries, thereby entitling them to compensation for their losses. This compensation can cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

At its core, personal injury law serves a dual purpose: it provides a means for injured parties to recover financially from their losses, and it promotes a safer environment by holding individuals and entities accountable for reckless or harmful behavior.

The Staten Island, New York personal injury attorneys at Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi stand at the forefront of advocating for victims’ rights. We use our legal knowledge to help our clients through the complexities of personal injury claims. We aim to ensure that justice is pursued and achieved for Staten Islanders impacted by personal injuries.

Our Practice Areas

At Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi, our attorneys have built a robust practice that covers a wide range of personal injury cases. With our depth of knowledge and commitment to justice, we strive to secure the compensation and accountability our clients deserve.

The kinds of personal injury cases we handle include:

  • Car Accidents: Representing those injured due to the negligence of other drivers, including collisions and rollovers.
  • Truck Accidents: Handling complex cases involving large commercial vehicles and the unique regulations that govern them.
  • Motorcycle Accidents: Advocating for motorcyclists injured due to hazardous road conditions or the actions of inattentive drivers.
  • Distracted Driving Accidents: Focusing on accidents caused by drivers distracted by mobile phones, navigation systems, or other in-vehicle technologies.
  • Construction Accidents: Protecting workers injured on construction sites due to safety violations or equipment failures.
  • Workers’ Compensation: Assisting employees in obtaining rightful benefits for injuries or illnesses acquired on the job.
  • Workplace Accident: Seeking rightful compensation for those injured in an accident on the job, from a slip and fall to an equipment malfunction.
  • Premises Liability: Holding property owners accountable for accidents caused by unsafe conditions on their property.
  • Product Liability: Representing people injured by defective or unsafe consumer products.
  • : Standing up for the rights of older adults mistreated or neglected in care facilities.
  • Medical Malpractice: Pursuing justice for patients harmed by medical errors, surgical mistakes, or healthcare provider negligence.
  • Brain Injury: Advocating for those suffering from traumatic brain injuries and their long-term effects.
  • Catastrophic Injury: Handling cases that involve life-altering injuries, ensuring clients receive compensation that reflects the impact on their lives.
  • Burn Injury: Representing victims of severe burns, focusing on the physical and emotional recovery process.
  • Spinal Cord Injury: Advocating for those facing paralysis and the other consequences of spinal injuries.
  • Birth Injury: Addressing medical errors that result in injuries to newborns, including cases of cerebral palsy and Erb’s palsy.
  • Wrongful Death: Supporting families seeking justice and compensation for the loss of a loved one due to negligence.

Each of these practice areas demands a specific understanding and approach, reflecting our firm’s dedication to meeting the diverse needs of Staten Island residents.

Verdicts and Settlements

$500,000 - Medical Negligence

To the mother and father of an adult female daughter who died following a plane flight of a pulmonary embolism from taking of birth control pills prescribed even though her chart was red flagged against birth control pills. We contended that this needless death, this loss of a young life was a family loss and the result of system errors brought about by failures in the system…

$2,800,000 - Motor Vehicle Crash

To a driver who crashed into the side of a truck that had pulled into his path, resulting in multiple surgeries to his right knee including total knee replacement.

$11,500,000 - Hospital Negligence

A North Carolina hospital has paid $11.5 million to the two surviving minor children of a man who murdered his wife, stepdaughter and baby daughter then forced his two surviving kids to live in an apartment with the corpses before he finally killed himself.

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Personal Injury Case on Staten Island?

Navigating a Staten Island personal injury case without a lawyer can significantly diminish your chances of receiving the compensation you rightfully deserve. Personal injury law is complex, involving strict deadlines and intricate legal procedures. An experienced Staten Island personal injury lawyer possesses the knowledge and resources to investigate your claim meticulously.

A skilled attorney will gather compelling evidence and construct a strong case against the negligent parties. They can also accurately assess the full extent of your damages—medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering—to ensure your settlement reflects the true impact of your injuries.

Furthermore, a New York injury attorney will handle all negotiations with insurance companies, who often attempt to minimize payouts. Having a legal advocate levels the playing field, allowing you to focus on recovery while they fight for your rights.

Please Call Today!(212) 543-1600For a Free Case Review

How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

Choosing a Staten Island personal injury lawyer can be nerve-wracking. Especially when it comes to finding out how much they are going to cost! When you go with Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi, you get the assurance that you won’t face any upfront costs. Our firm operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning our payment is contingent on winning your case. Essentially, we don’t get paid unless we win.

This approach ensures that our interests are fully aligned with yours, as both the client and the firm benefit from a successful outcome. It also provides access to legal representation for those who might otherwise be unable to afford it, ensuring justice is accessible to all, regardless of financial circ*mstances.

Is It Better To Accept a Settlement Offer?

Accepting a settlement offer might seem enticing for a swift resolution, but it’s not always the best course of action. Insurers often propose settlements quickly to minimize payouts. Consulting with a Staten Island personal injury attorney ensures you fully understand the offer’s implications and whether it adequately covers your losses and future needs.

The skilled personal injury lawyers at Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi can assess the offer’s fairness, negotiate for a better deal, or advise if proceeding to trial could potentially secure a more favorable outcome. Ultimately, an informed decision protects your rights and maximizes your compensation.

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How Can Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi Help If You’ve Been Injured?

When injury strikes due to someone else’s negligence, the aftermath can be overwhelming. That’s where Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi comes in—offering not just legal assistance but a partnership committed to advocating for your rights and best interests. Our team brings decades of experience in personal injury law, leveraging thorough investigation techniques and expert resources to build a robust case on your behalf.

We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll an injury can impose. Our approach is to tailor our strategy to meet your unique situation, ensuring we articulate the full extent of your suffering and losses. Whether it’s handling complex negotiations or standing firm in trial, we fight tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve.

Our commitment extends beyond achieving favorable settlements or court verdicts. We aim to provide peace of mind, guiding you through each step of the legal process with transparency and compassion. With Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi, you gain more than Staten Island personal injury lawyers—you gain allies dedicated to restoring justice and helping you move forward with confidence.

Contact Our Staten Island Personal Injury Lawyers Today!

Amid the rich history and natural beauty of Staten Island, unexpected injuries can disrupt lives and shatter peace for victims and their families. These moments call for more than just legal representation—they necessitate a partnership with passionate advocates who are ready to defend your rights.

If you’re navigating the aftermath of an injury caused by someone else’s negligence, the Staten Island personal injury lawyers at Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi are here with unmatched experience and a commitment to justice. Contact us online or call (212) 543-1600 today for a FREE case evaluation.

Our dedicated team is poised to fight on your behalf, ensuring you receive the compensation and recognition you rightfully deserve. We are proud to serve our neighbors on Staten Island and throughout New York and New Jersey. We strive to provide solace and support as we work together toward a brighter, more secure future.

Staten Island Personal Injury Lawyers (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.