Read Stolen Touches online free by Neva Altaj (2024)


Seven years ago

A hammer comes down onto my hand, its metal head burying into flesh that’s already a swollen mess, and a fine spray of blood splatters across the table.

I wait until the worst of the pain recedes, then lift my chin and glare at the man looming above me.

“No.” I bite out.

Marcello, one of the capos, watches me for a couple of seconds before he throws a glance over his shoulder at the don who is leaning against the wall to the right. It’s dim in the room, no buzz or glare from the fluorescent tubes on the ceiling. The only illumination seeps from an old lamp on the corner of the table, but when the don lights his cigar, his face glows red from the flame as he nods.

Marcello turns back to me and tightens his hold around my wrist. “I think you should reconsider,” he sneers and brings the hammer down heavily onto my fingers once more.

Searing pain shoots up along the length of my arm, zinging through my shoulder and sending a lightning strike straight to the back of my head. The sensation takes hold inmy brain, making a home for itself inside my skull. I clench my teeth in an effort to block it out.

“f*ck you, Marcello,” I rasp.

He laughs and shakes his head. “You really are something.”

Marcello sets the hammer down on the table and takes a gun from his holster. I assume he’ll simply shoot me in the head, but instead, he points the weapon at my leg. “I think I’ve f*cked up your hand enough. You probably can’t feel it anymore. How about this?”

Two gunshots ring out, and I roar in agony as bullets tear through flesh and bone. Black spots blur my vision.

“Last chance, Salvatore,” he barks.

I take a deep breath, ignore the worthless bastard, and make direct eye contact with the don, who is still standing at the same spot in the dark corner. It’s too dark for me to see his eyes clearly, but with the lamp so close to my face, I’m sure he can see mine. My unharmed hand is tied to the arm of the chair, but I rotate my wrist enough to raise my middle finger at him, the rope chafing my skin.

“He won’t cave, Marcello,” the don says and turns to leave. “Just kill him and be done with it.”

Marcello waits until the door closes, then circles around the chair I’m tied to and leans down to whisper into my ear. “I’ve always hated your guts. I don’t know what the don was thinking when he let you take your father’s place two years ago. Making a twenty-four-year-old a capo, as though we’re running a f*cking kindergarten or something.”

“I understand how that must unnerve you, Marcello.” I take a deep breath while the dark patches continue to cloud my vision. “Especially since I’ve made more money for theFamily in my two years as a capo than you have after twenty in the same position.”

“I should leave you here to bleed out.” He spits on the floor and sends another bullet into my foot.

“That wouldn’t,” I choke out, “be wise.”

“Why not?”

“Because if I don’t die . . . you will.”

He laughs. “Yes, we shouldn’t risk it.”

Three rapid gunshots echo through the room, and I gasp as a sharp, burning pain explodes in my back. I manage one forced breath before everything fades to black.

Chapter 1


“Move, you idiot!”

My head snaps up as I step to the side, avoiding an elbow to my kidney, and stare at the woman in scrubs who rushes past me. She’s running toward a car that screeches to a halt a few feet in front of me in the middle of the hospital parking lot.

A teenage boy, not more than fifteen, jumps out of the driver’s side. It’s clear he’s not been to a hospital before, given he’s driven to the parking lot and not the emergency entrance. He opens the door at the same time the nurse reaches the vehicle. For a few seconds, they both stare into the back seat.

“Is that ... the head?” the boy stutters. “Why is...? Mom, you said we had time.”

A woman’s moans fill the air as the boy, horrified and as white as a sheet of paper, keeps his eyes on the back seat.


Read Stolen Touches online free by Neva Altaj (2024)


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This is the fifth book in Perfectly Imperfect mafia series. Each book in this series features a different couple and can be read as a standalone, but for maximum enjoyment, follow the recommended reading order.

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Stolen Touches is the fifth installment in the "Perfectly Imperfect" series. This continues on with this wonderful series, and we got hints of this one in the previous book, so I was definitely eager to pick this one up here.

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Release is the sequel to Australian author Lucy Christopher's YA novel, Stolen. Ten years after sixteen-year-old Gemma Toombs was abducted from Bangkok Airport and held for some months in the West Australian desert by Tyler MacFarlane, she is living in London as Kate Stone.

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Sinners Anonymous is a deliciously dark, enemies to lovers mafia romance. It can be read as a standalone but believe me, you'll want to devour it with the rest of the trilogy!

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Top reviews from India

This book is stunning in terms of the mixture of sweet and spicy as Nina and roman carve a tale that robs you of your heart. They have that striking chemistry since the very beginning and honestly, to me this book was all smiles.

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“Stolen” will be Eira's feature film debut. The film, about a young indigenous woman's struggle in the face of xenophobia, climate change and the patriarchy, will go into production in Sápmi next year and is set to premiere in 2024. “I am over the moon!” said Laestadius.

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Count All Her Bones is a mystery novel, which is a sequel to Girl, Stolen.

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Katee Robert While they technically can be read in any order (a lot of people start with A Worthy Opponent), I think the best experience is reading them in order.

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Each book is a stand-alone in itself and doesn't depend on earlier books. Will It's the third book of what people refer to as The Rat Trilogy, the first being Hear the Wind Sing and the second being Pinball.

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In this 16th book in the 'Chief Inspector Armand Gamache' series, the detective probes a criminal conspiracy in Paris. The book provides enough background to be read as a standalone.

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These are NOT standalones. There are no cliffhangers now so you are safe to start reading. They are all full-length novels. Here's the full order: Addicted To You, Ricochet, Addicted For Now, Kiss The Sky, Hothouse Flower, Thrive, Addicted After All, Fuel The Fire, Long Way Down, Some Kind Of Perfect.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.