50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (2024)

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (1)

Mourning the loss of someone who was dear to you can be very difficult to cope with.

It can be hard to find the right words to express all the overwhelming emotions we feel when a loved one passes away.

In these times, thoughtful poems about loss can help carry all the emotions you are feeling.

Writing funeral poems can also help you commemorate a life well lived. They can also help you describe how lucky you feel to have had a loved one in your life, even if it was for a little while.

Below we have a selection of heartfelt funeral poems to honor the one you’ve lost, family or friend.

We hope that these funeral poems will help you express all that is in your heart.

Heartfelt Funeral Poems

Remembering Mum

We are here to remember our dear mum,
She was a loving and kind person
who brought lots of laughter and fun.

Our mum was our best friend.
She was someone who you could rely on
and would stick by you till the very end.

Our memories of her will forever be treasured.
A piece of her love will remain in our hearts.
Our mum may be gone, but she will always be remembered.

Time to Come Home

“Time to come home,” is what God whispered to you
He did not want you to suffer anymore
He reached out His hand for yours
As your spirit followed Him to the Kingdom door

With tears in our eyes and hurt in our hearts
We watched you slowly fade away
As much as it pained us to let you go
We knew that you couldn’t stay

Your beautiful heart stopped beating
You took your final breath
Your strong but frail body
was finally put to rest.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (2)


The pain doesn’t seem to go away
My tears are still flowing
I think about you all the time
You are so sadly missed
But I know you are in a better place
Dancing with God’s angels
You are in a safe space, in Heaven
Although I can no longer hold you
I hold onto memories of you
And cherish them with love
God took you from this world
So, you could be with Him in Heaven
I lost you too soon
But I will never forget you.

The Moment You Left

Dad, the moment you left me
My world came crashing down
My memories of you remain with me
But it doesn’t feel right to not have you around
While the world is asleep
I lay awake at night
Hoping you would kiss me goodnight
I have no problem remembering you
As I think about you all the time
But missing you causes me great heartache
I wish I didn’t have to say goodbye
You will always be a part of me
In my heart, you will always remain
Even though life goes on
Without you, my life will never be the same
I miss you so much, dad
It was hard to let you go
But I know you are watching over me
Following me wherever I go.


I didn’t think you would be leaving this Earth so soon
I wish I got the chance to say goodbye
But you were gone before I knew it
God is the only person that knew why

I never knew how much I would need you
To this day, I still break down in moments alone
If love was the only thing that could have kept you here
I know that you would not have gone

Whilst you were here, I loved you with all my heart
And in death, I will continue to love you still
There is a special place in my heart for you
That no one else could ever fill

I can’t believe that you are gone
But I know that you didn’t go on your own
Half of me went with you
On the day that God decided to take you home.

Dancing With The Angels

I hope you are dancing with the angels
Dancing around the white clouds
I hope your spirit moves you
as you dance to the trumpet sounds

I hope you are dancing with the angels
Dancing to the melodic song that they sing
I hope you are enjoying yourself
as you flap your angel wings

I hope you are dancing with the angels
Dancing freely in God’s home
I hope one day I can join you
So I never have to dance on my own.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (3)

To A Special Husband

The hardest thing for me to do was bury you in the ground
You meant the world to me
There is no one who will ever replace you
Because you will always be the man of my dreams
You have my heart forever even though we can no longer
Spend the rest of our lives together
Heaven has called you but I wish you would have declined and stayed
I want you to know that the memories
I have with you will never fade
I will always love you, my special husband
That is something that will never change
But now that you have gone to rest
Life as I knew it will never be the same again.

A Life Well Lived

A life well-lived is a special gift given to you by God
Your life was filled with happiness, strength, and love
Sometimes, there were sweet moments
And other times, there was sadness
Nonetheless, you always had a huge smile
on your face as you took the world by storm
Friendships were formed, true love was found
Good times were shared, and so much laughter
Throughout the years
A life well-lived is a special gift given to you by God
Your life was filled with much pride and pleasure
The time we got to spend with you we’ll
Keep in our hearts to treasure.

Why Did You Have To Go?

It is hard to believe
that you are gone
Your soft, gentle eyes of affection
Our laughs of childhood reflection
My trusted confidant, and my best friend
On whose advice and support I could always depend
Looking back on my life’s scenes
You taught me what love truly means
The little things you did to show me you cared
All the good memories that we both shared
My sister, whom I loved so
Why did you have to go?
Our time together went by in a wink
Life is not as long as we think
Your smiling face in the family photos
Memories appear in my mind as I touch the mementos
I know your sweet soul doesn’t want tears nor pain
Instead, you want songs of joy and love to remain
To this day, I still cry at your grave
But I will always remember the memories you gave
I miss you so much, my dear
And your soft voice, which I want to hear
My sister, whom I loved so
Why did you have to go?

Death Of A Loved One

I can’t believe you’re gone; I’d keep you here if I could
It pains me to accept the fact, but now I’ve understood
Nothing in this world is forever, good or bad
But at least you’re safe in Heaven, for which I am glad
Your sadness and pain have finally ended
I know that this was the plan that God had intended
I know by now you are standing at those heavenly gates
Up in Heaven is where your new life awaits
You must be looking down on us; I know you want us to be strong
Because I know you have been strong all long
I’m going to miss you; I know this to be true
I’m never going to forget the last moments we spent with you
You have flown up into the blue sky
Now it is time to say our final goodbyes
Rest in perfect peace.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (4)

I Wish You Could Have Stayed

I wish you could have stayed longer
But I know it was time for you to go
My heart is broken, I am sad
My tears are continuing to flow

I know we are placed on Earth
but not all of us live that long
As hard as it is to let you go
I know you would want me to be strong

I wish you hadn’t left so soon
But I want you to know
That I will always love you
No matter where you go

I wish you could have stayed longer
But I know there was nothing you could do
I hope you will guide me
Because I would be lost without you

I wish you were still here
But I trust God’s plan
I hope when my time comes
you’ll be waiting to take my hand.

My Beloved Husband

I still tell you I love you
I know that you can’t reply
I can still sense your presence
I know that you are by my side

I can still hear your soothing voice
I know that there’s no sound
I can still hear faint echoes from the past
I know that you follow me around

I know you are still here
I wish I could hold your hand
God’s reason for taking you
Is one I’ll never understand

Summer days appear short
Winter nights drone on and on
My dreams turn into nightmares
Because my beloved husband is gone

My love for you will never fade
My heart still beats for you
I look forward to the day
where I’ll be able to join you

Your spirit will never die
It shines bright like a star
I know your home is in heaven
But you reside in my heart.

Short Funeral Poems

Gone But Not Forgotten

Gone but not forgotten
Your memories will forever remain
Gone but not forgotten
In our hearts, you will stay
Gone but not forgotten
We will cherish your unconditional love
Gone but not forgotten
As you spread your wings to be with the Lord above.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (5)

For My Brother

You were more than just a brother to me
We grew up like best friends
I know that nothing in this life lasts forever
But I don’t want this to end
I will continue to love you past your death
I will continue to love you until forever ends
I will continue to love you when I’m old and grey
I miss you, big brother, my forever friend.

Live Your Life

Do not feel guilty for living your life
Now that mum has passed away
She would want you to keep playing
And she would want you to do this every day

Mum would want you to keep smiling
Even though she is not here
She would want you to live life to the fullest
And shed minimal tears

If Only

If only flowers grew in Heaven
I would pray to God to pick the
prettiest ones and place them
in my sister’s arms
and tell her they were sent from me

If only I was with my sister in Heaven
I would tell her how much I love her
I would give anything to see her smile
and place a gentle kiss on her cheek
and hold her in my arms for a while.

My One And Only Sister

There are thousands of stars in the night sky
There are thousands of seashells on the seashore
There are thousands of birds that fly by
There are thousands of worms on the floor
There are billions of people on Earth
But there’s only one of you
You’ve been my one and only sister since birth
And after death, we will be together soon.

Celebrating You

We have come together to celebrate your life
You were a loving mother, friend and wife
You have touched so many lives with your gentle soul
You were the kindest person with a heart full of gold
We’ve come to pay our final respects for everything you have done
You made life worth living, I can’t believe you are actually gone
We will carry you in spirit until the very end
Rest in Peace our precious mum, until we meet again.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (6)

Mother Has Gone Away

Mother isn’t dead; she has only gone away
On a spiritual trip to a land far away
With a smile on her face and a kiss goodbye
She has left this Earth to live another life.

Gone Too Soon

My baby boy passed away too soon
Such an innocent soul, so pure and true
My baby boy was precious, with a sweet smile
The little time we had with him made it worthwhile
He was placed on earth and taken to Heaven in a few days
And greeted by angels with a full display
It made me happy that he was welcomed there
I know that God will take great care
Rest in Peace, baby boy.


When I close my eyes, all I think about is you
and all the fun adventures we would get up to
If only you didn’t have to leave
It was supposed to be us against the world
but now it’s just me

I told myself I wouldn’t cry
I’m trying to fight back the tears
but it’s so hard because I lost my best friend
I wish you were still here.

Why Did You Have To Die?

I think about my best friend all the time.
I think about my memories with you, and I start to cry
I pray to God every night and ask Him why,
Why did He have to take you away from me?
Why did you have to die?

You have always been there for me, always by my side
We were supposed to grow old together until we both died
You have left a hole in my heart; I feel empty inside
Why did He have to take you away from me?
Why did you have to die?

One Day, We Will Meet Again

I think about you all the time
I talk about you still
I haven’t forgotten about you
And I never will
You are always on my heart
And there you will continue to remain
Please save a space for me in Heaven
Because one day, we will meet again.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (7)

Loved Ones

Our loved ones who have gone to rest
Don’t just disappear
As they walk beside us
And still remain near
They may not be seen or heard
But they are listening to our every word

You are dearly missed
And deeply loved
But you are in a better place
With the Lord above.

A Prayer For My Brother

I pray that your lively spirit soars in great freedom
I pray that all your fears release you from the grip they held so tight
I pray that you finally find everlasting peace as you roam around the sky in the night
I pray that your endless thoughts become clear and calm
I pray that your kind heart is warm
I pray that you hear music being played by God’s angels
I pray that it’s sweet and joyous music that you hear
I pray that you are rocked in Heaven’s cradle
I pray that you never have to shed any more tears

My Mother

My mother was a lovely woman full of love and joy
To me, she was my hero, and to her, I was her special boy
She took care of everyone, made sure they were all okay
She brought sunshine into our lives even when things seemed grey
She had so much to give the world; she was a part of our lives
A friend, a mother, a sister, and a wife

No one will be able to replace you as my mother
The compassion in your heart is like no other
I wish I could hold your hand for a final time
But I know I will see you again in another life.

Thank You

Now that you are gone
I often ask myself
Did I tell you how much I loved you?
Did I thank you enough for everything you do?
For all the times you were by my side
For all the times you wiped my tears when I cried
For all the times you supported me through thick and thin
For all the times you showed me how to keep a thick skin
I hope you knew how much I appreciated you
And if there were times when I didn’t thank you enough
I am thanking you now
Because without you, I wouldn’t have knows half the things I know now
Thank you.


I had an amazing aunty
Who never looked old
Her smile was beautiful
And her heart was pure as gold
Her eyes were as shiny as stars
Her cheeks were rosy, you see
I had an amazing aunty
And that is what she will always be.

My Beautiful Star

A light went out
The moment we said our goodbyes
On that same day, a new star was created
It was the brightest in the sky
It shone through the darkness
With a bright white light
It lit up the heavens
The same way it lit up my life
Your everlasting love will heal
the broken heart you left behind
In my memories of you
Your beautiful star will continue to shine.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (8)

Best Funeral Poems

I Never Saw Your Wings

I believe in angels

I never saw your wings, but I knew your spirit
had gone to the other side, in the middle of the night

I never saw your wings, but I knew they existed
as you closed your eyes, and got ready to take flight

I never saw your wings, but I heard the flutters
as you left my side, and soared through the sky

I never saw your wings, but I knew you were an angel
all dressed in white as we said our final goodbyes

I never saw your wings, but I knew you were divine
God placed a halo on your head; I saw your halo shine

I never saw your wings, but I know you earned them
God gave them to you, so spread your wings and fly

My Wife

I feel broken because I lost you
Without you there is an empty space
The unbreakable bond that we had
is one that can never be replaced

There is no way I will forget you
and all the amazing times we shared
The love that you gave to me
is one that can never be compared

You will always be with me
even though we are sadly apart
Your memories will continue to live on
and retain in a special place in my heart

I miss you more than I can express
my wonderful and precious wife
Only time can heal the pain
You will always be the love of my life.

In Loving Memory Of A Sweet Grandfather

Grandfather, I pray that you are sleeping peacefully
I pray that no nightmares will come your way
There can be no one who could replace you
and the joy you brought to us every day

Your words of wisdom were insightful
You were a helping hand in a time of need
You brought so much happiness to our lives
And fulfilled many kind deeds

You were the only person who I would always call
When I was feeling down
As I relive my happy memories of you
Tears of sadness fall to the ground

I wish you lived longer
I miss you in every kind of way
My loving memories of you
Will be with me every single day.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (9)

It’s Time To Release Me

It’s time to release me
It’s time to let me go
I have been called
God wants me to come home
Wipe away your tears
Please don’t be sad
Remember all the good times
That we had

I gave you my love
And you gave me yours
But now it’s time for me
To walk towards the Heaven doors
Thank you for the happiness you have shown
But now it’s time to leave this world on my own

You can mourn for me, but not for long
After you bury me, I want you to be strong
I know it’s hard, but I have to depart
But always keep my memories ingrained in your heart

I’m not too far away, I will always be here
Just call out my name, and I will be there
You may not see me physically
But I’m here in spirit
In your dreams is where I will come and visit

There will be a day where you will come on your own
But I will greet you with a loving hug
To welcome you home.

Granny’s Gone

Granny’s room is bare. She has gone away
It was her time to leave the Earth
In the clouds is where she will remain
She wasn’t in pain; she passed away with gentle ease
She closed her eyes for the final time and
entered a peaceful sleep for eternity

Granny was an angelic spirit
who had a kind and loving soul
I never wanted her to leave me
but I knew it was her time to go
Granny was my best friend
She was always there for me
She was like a second mum
who loved me unconditionally

Granny and I had many talks
as we ate and sipped tea
Granny taught me important life lessons
and shared many years of wisdom with me
Granny was a comedian; she would bring
laughter to every room
Now the rooms are empty
Granny left us too soon.

Granny’s passing is Heaven’s gain
Even though she is not with me
I know that I will see her again
I will always keep Granny’s memories alive
I miss you so much, Granny
I will cherish everything you have done for me
for the rest of my life.

If Only

If only I had just 10 minutes of your time
on the day that you died
I would have had time to tell you
everything I should have said
whilst you were still here

If only I had just 10 minutes of your time
on the day that you died
I would have had time to tell you
how much you mean to me
that you were the best brother
that any boy could be

If only I had just 10 minutes of your time
on the day that you died
I would have had time to tell you
that I love you one last time
before your hands slipped away from mine

If only I had just 10 minutes of your time
on the day that you died
I would have had time to hug you
And hear your goofy laugh
I would have told you that
I can’t see my life without you
not even for a little while

If only I had just 10 minutes of your time
on the day that you died
I would have had time to kiss your cheeks
and comfort you
I would have told you not to be afraid
and that everything would be okay
because God will be with you

You Were There For Me

You were there for me when I took my very first steps as a baby
You were there for me when I walked unbalanced across the corridor
You were there for me when you encouraged and pushed me to walk to you
You were there for me to pick me up when I fell on the wooden floor
You were there for me to comfort me when I cried
You were there for me as you told me to give it another try
You were there for me when I finally walked to you
You were there for me when you picked me up in the air and said “I’m proud of you”
You were there for me when I started preschool for the first time
You were there for me to hold my hand, because I didn’t want to leave your side
You were always there for me, every step of the way
And you are still here for me, even though you have passed away
You are still here to guide me along the way
And you will always be in my heart, in my heart is where you will forever remain.

Love Conquers All

Life can never stay the same
As soon as a loved one passes away
Our lives as we know it
Will immediately change
No matter how hard we try
The hands on the clock
Will continue ticking by
One thing that will remain
Is our love for them
Our love can help
Ease the pain

Happy Funeral Poems

Dad, Through All My Milestones

When I was born, my daddy held me tight,
When I was 1, my daddy sang to me through the night,
When I was 5, my daddy taught me how to ride a bike,
When I was 10, my daddy chased away a boy that I liked,
When I was 13, my dad bought me my first phone,
When I was 16, my dad was my date to the high school prom,
When I was 18, my dad surprised me with a brand-new car,
When I was 21, my daddy drank alcohol with me at a bar,
When I was 25, my dad fell sick,
When I was 30, my dad and I went on a father-daughter fishing trip,
When I was 35, my dad walked me down the aisle,
When I was 40, my dad held his first grandchild,
When I was 45, my dad kissed me for the last time,
As his body started to give up, I knew it was time to say goodbye
My dad has been there through all my milestones
Although he is now gone, I know that I am never alone.
Rest In Peace, Dad.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (10)

Grandpa’s Secret Garden

Grandpa’s secret garden
was kept in his heart
All the good things he would plant there
right from the start
He wanted us to think big
He pushed us to dream
He cared for every single one of us
and loved us equally
Grandpa was our shield
He protected us from every weather
He was the glue of the household
that held us together
Grandpa was my hero
He taught me right from wrong
He taught me how to stand up for myself
And because of him, I am strong
Grandpa’s secret garden
was left for us to tend
We will take good care of your garden
Grandpa, until we meet again.

This is For Granny

Granny, I miss you so much
You are no longer here
Every time I think of you
I still shed some tears

You meant the world to me
You were so loving and kind
Your spirit will continue to live on
Memories of you will play in my mind

I know that life has to carry on
but something feels out of place
I would do almost anything
to see your pretty smile on your face

Granny, you were a huge blessing
so genuine and so true
I am forever thankful
to have had a Granny like you.

My Husband, The Angel

My husband, the angel, lived among us
He was God’s gift to us from Heaven above
He showered us with kindness and happiness
And shared with us his unfailing love

He lived life to the fullest
With the woman of his dreams
Facing the world together
We were the perfect team

He loved his children so much
Each was loved in different ways
He nestled them close to his heart
And now he’s gone away

My husband has gone to be with His Maker
But he is with all of us today
He’s smiling down from Heaven above
As a sign that he is okay.

My Mother

My mother’s smile lit up a whole room
My mother’s presence was full of power and grace
My mother spoke with gentleness and poise
A radiant glow was always on her face

My mother’s touch was soft and nurturing
My mother’s heart was as big as the Sun
My mother’s spirit was kind-hearted
She had enough love for everyone

Although my mother has gone to rest
Her spirit will live on forever
Although we are separated
One day, we will be together.

Famous Funeral Poems

Remember Me (She is Gone)

by David Harkins

You can shed tears that she is gone
Or you can smile because she has lived

You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left

Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her
Or you can be full of the love that you shared

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

You can remember her and only that she is gone
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

Song (When I am Dead, My Dearest)

by Christina Rossetti

When I am dead, my dearest,
Sing no sad songs for me;
Plant thou no roses at my head,
Nor shady cypress tree:
With showers and dewdrops wet;
And if thou wilt, remember,
And if thou wilt, forget.

I shall not see the shadows,
I shall not feel the rain;
I shall not hear the nightingale
Sing on, as if in pain;
And dreaming through the twilight
That doth not rise nor set,
Haply I may remember
And haply may forget.

Time Does Not Bring Relief (Sonnet II)

by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Time does not bring relief; you all have lied
Who told me time would ease me of my pain!
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,
And last year’s leaves are smoke in every lane;
But last year’s bitter loving must remain
Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.
There are a hundred places where I fear
To go, —so with his memory they brim.
And entering with relief some quiet place
Where never fell his foot or shone his face
I say, “There is no memory of him here!”
And so stand stricken, so remembering him.

50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (11)

Because I Could Not Stop For Death

by Emily Dickinson

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.

We slowly drove – He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility –

We passed the School, where Children strove
At Recess – in the Ring –
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain –
We passed the Setting Sun –

Or rather – He passed Us –
The Dews drew quivering and chill –
For only Gossamer, my Gown –
My Tippet – only Tulle –

We paused before a House that seemed
A Swelling of the Ground –
The Roof was scarcely visible –
The Cornice – in the Ground –

Since then – ’tis Centuries – and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses’ Heads
Were toward Eternity –

Crossing The Bar

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.

To Sleep

by John Keats

O soft embalmer of the still midnight,
Shutting, with careful fingers and benign,
Our gloom-pleas’d eyes, embower’d from the light,
Enshaded in forgetfulness divine:
O soothest Sleep! if so it please thee, close
In midst of this thine hymn my willing eyes,
Or wait the “Amen,” ere thy poppy throws
Around my bed its lulling charities.
Then save me, or the passed day will shine
Upon my pillow, breeding many woes,—
Save me from curious Conscience, that still lords
Its strength for darkness, burrowing like a mole;
Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards,
And seal the hushed Casket of my Soul.


Dealing with the death of a loved one is one of the hardest human experiences that we have to go through.

It’s not easy trying to come up with words that fully capture the love, nostalgia, and grief that you feel. Poetry can often help you associate words with the beautiful memories you have with the special person you’ve lost.

Reciting a funeral poem doesn’t need to be sad, nor does it have to be long. You can always choose a poem that celebrates their life and the positive impact that they’ve had on the people around them.

We hope that the poems in this article will help bring you some solace in dealing with a heart-breaking loss.

More Funeral Poems:

  • Funeral Poems For Mom: If your mom has sadly passed away and you want the perfect way to express your feelings, use our poems for a mother’s funeral. This will help you to write your thoughts and feelings about her.
  • Funeral Poems For Dad: Want to express how much your dad meant to you and how much you miss him? We have assembled some of the best poems for a father’s funeral to help you celebrate his life.
50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions (2024)


50 Beautiful Funeral Poems To Honor A Loved One's Memory | Poems and Occasions? ›

You're beautiful, you're endless, Now stretch your wings and fly, You're loved by so many, It will never be goodbye. Close your pretty eyes, No more tears, just go and rest, Let your soul lie peacefully, We know you did your best.

What is the goodbye poem for a funeral? ›

You're beautiful, you're endless, Now stretch your wings and fly, You're loved by so many, It will never be goodbye. Close your pretty eyes, No more tears, just go and rest, Let your soul lie peacefully, We know you did your best.

What is the poem for a strong woman's funeral? ›

1) Rejoice, for a Strong Woman's Life

With voices raised, we'll sing her praise, A strong woman's life, a love ablaze, In memories sweet, our hearts will dance, A celebration of life, in love's expanse.

What poem do you read out at Remembrance? ›

What poem is read on Remembrance Day? The Ode of Remembrance is perhaps the most famous of the remembrance day poems. The ode is a section of a longer poem, 'For the fallen' by Laurence Binyon.

What is the happy verse for a funeral? ›

Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. I have sent up my gladness on wings, to be lost in the blue of the sky. I have run and leaped with the rain, I have taken the wind to my breast.

What poem is often read at funerals? ›

Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep – Mary Elizabeth Frye. For over 70 years, this uplifting funeral poem has been a common reading at funerals due to its message that those who love you are always with you.

What is a nice poem for a funeral? ›

'To Sleep' is a poem written by John Keats about the calm sleep at the end of life. This is a popular choice for funerals due to its beautiful lyricism and melancholic tone.

What is the most beautiful prayer for a funeral? ›

Almighty God, we rejoice in your promise of love, joy and peace. In your mercy turn the darkness of death into the dawn of new life, and the sorrow of parting into the joy of heaven; through our Saviour Jesus Christ, who died, rose again and lives for evermore. Amen.

What is a poem that praises someone who has died? ›

'Eulogy' An elegy is a poem that expresses sorrow or melancholy, often about someone who has died. A eulogy is usually a speech that praises the achievements and character of a person who has died, often as part of a funeral service.

What is a funeral poem in one word? ›

/ˈɛlɪdʒi/ An elegy is a sad poem, usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead. Although a speech at a funeral is a eulogy, you might later compose an elegy to someone you have loved and lost to the grave. The purpose of this kind of poem is to express feelings rather than tell a story.

What is a poem written on the death of someone loved and lost? ›

Option D, Elegy is a poem written on the death of someone loved and lost.

What is the poem "A funeral for Don't Cry"? ›

Written by Mary Elizabeth Frye in the 1930's, 'Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep' is a popular poem to be read at funeral services. Its words bring comfort to readers as it shows that the person who has died lives on in our memories.

What is a mother poem for a funeral? ›

Farewell Dear Mother (Anon)

The precious word is 'MOTHER', she was my world you see, But now my heart is breaking cause she's no longer here with me. God chose her for His angel to watch me from above, To guide me and advise me and know that I'm still loved.

What is a positive Bible verse for funeral? ›

Matthew 11:28-30

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

What is a good quote for a funeral? ›

Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow. As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well-used brings happy death. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.

What is the best reading for a funeral? ›

Seven uplifting funeral readings to bring hope to those left...
  • A classic. Death is Nothing at All by Henry Scott-Holland. ...
  • Something stellar. A Clear Midnight by Walt Whitman. ...
  • Modern melancholy. Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden. ...
  • Summoning strength. ...
  • A moment to reflect. ...
  • Lyrical beauty. ...
  • Farewell to friends.
Nov 10, 2020

What is the closing line of a eulogy? ›

If you're unsure how to end your eulogy, finish with a simple goodbye, or a thank you for the memories you shared. You might choose to use traditional phrases like 'rest in peace' or 'sleep well'. Or you can use something less formal, like a greeting or joke you used to share with the person who has died.

What is the final flight poem for a funeral? ›

The Final Flight

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free, I'm following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard his call, I turned my back and left it all.

What is the blessing for the end of a funeral? ›

May God give to you and all whom you love his comfort and his peace, his light and his joy, in this world and the next; and the blessing of God almighty, the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you, and remain with you this day and for ever. Amen.

How do you say goodbye funeral words? ›

Rest in peace messages and sincere condolences over the death of a loved one:
  • We have always been together in good times and bad times. ...
  • The loss of a friend like you is something that can never be recovered. ...
  • You have accomplished many good things in life. ...
  • With teardrops running down my face, I bid you farewell.
Sep 25, 2020

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.