45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (2024)

Acrylic paintings are one of the best kinds of painting that you can opt for. While there are a huge variety of types of colors available, choosing acrylics is the best decision that you have taken. Now as you get your canvas and paints ready, and choose the best brushes to sit and make a masterpiece, you run out of one major thing! The thought of what to paint! It is completely fine for this to happen as painters run out of imagination at times. That is the reason that we are here with these Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners that you can paint and have fun! However, with this, have a look at The Basic Guide to Acrylic Painting Tips and Techniques for Beginners so that you know how to find your style!

45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (1)

45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (2)

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Why you should Not Paint on Raw Fabric?

Canvases are made up of various materials that are color absorbent for the acrylics and oil paints. They get absorbed in the canvas and in time will destroy the canvas with the chemicals mixed in it. There are times when the colors lose their vibrant and the painting may be destroyed. This is the reason you should always prime the canvas. The acrylics are at times okay with being painted on unprimed canvas as well.

45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (7)

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How can you make acrylic paint dry faster?

The drying of thick layers of the acrylic paints can be a nightmare at times! However, we have a few tricks that can help you speed up the drying time.

  • If you are up for an amateur completion, you can use the fast drying acrylic paint as it dries faster than the normal acrylic paints.
  • You can speed up the drying process of the acrylic paints by keeping it in a rather warmer room with low humidity. This will make the water in the acrylic paints dry up faster as it will tend to evaporate faster.
  • You can keep the acrylic painting under a lamp. A heat lamp will be fine but a normal yellow bulb can also do that. Don’t keep it too close as it may damage the painting. Keep it enough so that the heat reaches the painting and dries it up faster.

With this, here are Best ColorMixing Techniques you should Know!

45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (12)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (13)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (14)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (15)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (16)

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Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas

The Serenity Of The Night Sky

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The night is the best time to gaze at the sky! You can see the blissful stars twinkling at the night and the different hues. Paint it using the wash technique first and then use the layering technique on it. Let the layers dry before drawing the trees.

Five Idiots

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This cute group of five cute birds sticking their face for you is so delightful. You can texture paint in this painting and it will look awesome. Use different colors for the birds and use a darker color for the background with some light hues to it.

Cute Big-Eyed Owl

45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (19)

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An owl is a good option to paint for the beginners when it comes to the acrylic painting. For this painting, you need to use the dry on dry or wet on the dry technique of acrylic painting. In addition, here are Easy Cartoon Dog Sitting Down Drawings to Make!

Enchanting Tulips

45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (20)

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Tulips look mesmerizing in enchanting purple hues! This easy acrylic painting is a good option to practice your strokes and brush them up.

Just Breathe

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Just breathe- that’s what you need to focus upon when the going gets tough. This art has a stippling painting technique. For this just dip a tool in the paint and do the dotted work.

Where The Horses Meet

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Isn’t this sight mesmerizing? Well, it is easy to paint too. Use your skills and imagine how the shades should mix with each other. In the end, paint the horses so that they look amazing together.

Texture Painting

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Try your hand on the texture painting if this is not your first time in the acrylic painting arena. Use palette knife with this and do some awesome texture to paint the acrylics on the canvas. In addition, here are Acrylic Palette Knife Painting Techniques and Ideas for you to try!

A Lonely Walk

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We came alone in this world and we are going to leave this alone! So ponder upon your thoughts and learn to live content with yourself. The lonely walk is not a walk of misery, but of self-confidence and independence.

Hues Of The Night

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As we said earlier, the night is the best time to gaze at the sky! It has many hues to which it dances and we can please our eyes with them. Moreover, the winter nights are more mesmerizing! In addition, here are Easy Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas To Try!

Essence Of Life

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Did you know that if all honeybees die, no human could survive as well? yes! That’s the reason we call the essence of life. Paint the beautiful sight of a honeybee collecting nectar and make this beautiful easy acrylic painting. In addition, here are Abstract Painting Techniques and Rules to Frame a Masterpiece!

45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (27)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (28)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (29)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (30)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (31)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (32)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (35)

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Can acrylic paint be used on glass?

If you are using the acrylics, just as they are then acrylics adhere on glass surfaces and it will not stay. The glass surface is a non-porous surface and although this makes painting easy, you will have issues of the acrylic paint stripping off the surface. For this, you can use the baking process that will make the acrylic last on the glass surface. You can apply a sealant that will lock the acrylic paint on the glass surface. Then make the outlines of the painting. Keep a window of 24 hours so that the color stays.

45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (36)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (37)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (38)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (39)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (40)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (41)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (42)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (43)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (44)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (45)

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45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners | Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (46)

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Did you like these Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners? We hope you did! Get a clear picture in your mind before you start painting. This will help you to portray the image in your mind well on the canvas. Try out different techniques as you proceed towards the intermediate level of painting. Also, we would like to suggest you choose your paintbrushes well. This is essential since your strokes are what bring life to your painting and imaginations.

45 Easy Acrylic Paintings Ideas for Beginners |  Artisticaly - Inspect the Artist Inside You! (2024)


What should my first acrylic painting be? ›

Acrylic Canvas Painting Ideas for Beginners
  • Fruit Still Life. For a great starting point acrylic painting idea for beginners, gather seasonal fruit and arrange them in a pleasing way in a bowl, on a plate or on a table. ...
  • Brushed Colors. ...
  • Your Pet. ...
  • Starry Night. ...
  • Fluffy Clouds. ...
  • Colorful Bird. ...
  • Flower Arrangements. ...
  • Cactus.
Jan 10, 2024

What is the easiest style of painting for beginners? ›

Pop art or cartoons are a great choice when you're looking for easy things to paint on a canvas. They can be any shape or style that you like, so it's easy to hide any mistakes that you don't feel confident in painting over. Try recreating some of your favorite characters, or be bold and invent one of your own.

What is the most common acrylic painting technique? ›

Wet brush on dry canvas – This is probably the most traditional paint brush technique. Wet your brush with water before dipping it in your paint, and use as much paint as you like on the brush. The wet brush helps ensure a smoother, more even application of paint.

What is the painting for beginners? ›

Acrylics – The Beginner's Choice

Acrylics may suit you if: You are a complete beginner and do not want to worry about the complexities of oil and watercolor painting. You want an easy cleanup time. You are painting on a limited budget.

What do you want to avoid when painting with acrylic? ›

Common Acrylic Painting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
  1. Over Blending Your Colors. ...
  2. Using Too Much Paint. ...
  3. Ignoring Brush Care. ...
  4. Using Poor-Quality Materials. ...
  5. Fear of Making Mistakes. ...
  6. Color Blending and Mixing. ...
  7. Layering Technique. ...
  8. Pouring and Dripping Technique.

Do you start with dark or light colors when acrylic painting? ›

By painting from lightest to darkest, you can save on paint and time because it takes a lot more light paint to change a dark color. Acrylics are no longer water soluble once they are dry: this means they will remain clear no matter how many layers of color you add.

What is the simplest art style? ›

However, simplistic styles such as minimalism, cartoon, or abstract art are often considered more approachable for beginners. These styles involve fewer intricate details, allowing artists to focus on basic shapes and lines.

How do I start painting with no experience? ›

Just start painting!! Buy a canvas or a canvas pad and buy 2 brushes, one big and one small, which ever your grip feels comfortable with. Do not invest in expensive supplies until you are sure that you will stick with it, as it can be prohibitive financially. I find that painting to music is great therapy.

What should I practice acrylic painting on? ›

Plaster, brick, terracotta and degreased leather are all exciting options for experimenting with acrylic. It also is suitable for use glass, Perspex and acetate, making it idea for experimenting with and painting large-scale works such as murals.

What is the sequence for acrylic painting? ›

Here a five key steps to help you create an acrylic painting.
  • Choosing your subject and composing it. Start with simple subjects, such as still lifes, before undertaking more complex compositions (landscapes, portraits). ...
  • Preliminary drawing. ...
  • Colored background. ...
  • Applying colors. ...
  • Adding details.

What should I paint first in a painting? ›

This is one of many reasons I recommend that you paint in some background color first around whichever object you are painting. That way if your paint does dry on canvas, you can very easily blend into the dry background colors to re-wet those areas and continue with your still life.

What should a beginner artist do? ›

What to Focus on as a Beginner Artist
  • Strive to create art every day. It doesn't have to be great, and you don't have to create a finished piece every day. ...
  • Set realistic goals. Ask yourself, what do you want to achieve in a week? ...
  • Don't complicate things. ...
  • Get inspired by the real world!

What to expect when getting acrylics for the first time? ›

Acrylic Nails Require Time to Get Used to

If this is your first time getting acrylics, it's best to start at a shorter length and gradually work your way up to talon-length nails. This ensures you have time to get used to doing everyday things with them — trust us, pretty much everything feels weird in the beginning.

Should you paint a canvas white first acrylic? ›

Underpainting helps you work out your composition, and when toning a ground it is helpful to not have to work on a white surface. Some artists also find it useful because it's easier to get started on a painting without the distraction of a bright white surface.

How do I choose an underpainting color for acrylic? ›

Many artists use darker tones, such as burnt sienna, raw umber, or ultramarine blue to achieve the most significant effect. If the purpose of underpainting is to develop greater values in your painting, lighter colors, such as yellows, are less effective.

What medium should a beginner painter use? ›

Acrylic is typically the easiest for beginners, while watercolor is the hardest. However, if you hate working with acrylic, don't force yourself to paint it just because it's easier. It's far more important to find a medium that you enjoy.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.